This idea of a three-dimensional or "internal" form of sound has also translated into useful advancement of technology in many things such as stethoscopes creating "in-head" acoustics and IMAX movies being able to create a three-dimensional acoustic experience. Binaural recording is intended for replay using headphones and will not translate properly over stereo speakers. This effect is often created using a technique known as dummy head recording, wherein a mannequin head is fitted with a microphone in each ear. Neumann KU 100 microphone used to record binaural soundīinaural recording is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being in the room with the performers or instruments. If you’re suffering from hearing loss, contact us at Anderson Audiology and schedule an appointment with one of our hearing care professionals to discuss your hearing needs.It has been suggested that Dummy head recording be merged into this article. This results in a better sound quality and a reduced risk of sound distortion. In fact, studies have revealed that when an individual uses two hearing aids, they require less amplification than they would require if they were only wearing one. Your selective listening ability – your ability to pay attention to one voice or sound while ignoring all others – is also improved when both hemispheres of your brain are involved. Scientists have found that when you use both sides of your brain to process sound, you see a noticeable improvement in your ability to understand speech. Then, both brain hemispheres work together to process and interpret the sounds.

When sound enters your left ear, it is processed on the right side of your brain, while the sound that enters your right ear is processed on the left side of your brain. When you have one ear that’s more impaired than the other it can result in fatigue and discomfort when listening for a prolonged period of time. Binaural hearing makes it possible to identify the location of sound far more effectively. Just as covering one eye results in a loss of depth perception, the loss of hearing in one ear results in impaired sound perception. As a result, when we fit this type of patient with just one hearing aid, they typically find that they still feel “lopsided.” Therefore, it is customary to provide a patient with two hearing aids, each providing a unique degree of assistance in a manner that’s similar to the way in which you might have two different lens prescriptions in your eyeglasses. Most individuals have bilateral hearing loss – impairment on both sides. It’s relatively rare for an individual to have perfect hearing in one ear and noticeable impairment in the other ear. It’s not uncommon for these patients to ask questions such as, “Why can’t I treat my ‘bad ear’ for hearing loss? Why do I need two hearing aids?” Well, the answer to this question is actually quite simple: in most cases, the individual has hearing loss in both ears it’s simply more pronounced and noticeable on one side. Often, individuals experience hearing loss in one ear (also known as unilateral hearing loss), yet their health care professionals will recommend getting two hearing aids – one for each ear. Humans naturally have what’s known as binaural hearing, which is the ability to hear in two ears.